How to get Rid of Scalp Inflammation and Irritation Today!

How to get Rid of Scalp Inflammation and Irritation Today!

Did your concerns of scalp inflammation bring you here? Do you think that oil is the cause of your dermatitis? Well, I'm here to tell you you're wrong. Dermatitis is a fungal disorder that's usually brought on by a compromised immune system.

If you've you tried it all to get rid of those thick flaky areas on your scalp, I promise you, after one application, you'll be thanking me and yourself that you finally gave it a try.

Most people assume in order for this product to work, you need to leave it on the scalp. Not true! Here's how you're going to use the oil to help remove any build up on the scalp that otherwise would have needed topical and external medication to remove.

Step 1: Untwist the cap to open the bottle.

Step 2: Part your hair in sections and apply a small amount to the area of concern.

Step 3: Massage into your scalp and watch the fungus or bacteria gently lift from your scalp. (you may notice redness once removed)

Step 4: You're going to shampoo twice with the Anti Fungal Shampoo and follow up with the Anti-Fungal Conditioner. This alone will keep the inflammation to a minimal. If you would like to reduce redness that may still persist after treatment, continue to step 5.

Step 5: Apply a small amount of the oil to your fingertips and massage into your scalp. (This step is not necessary after treatment unless you would like to reduce redness or any raised areas that remain on the scalp.)


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